La crise de la COVID a-t-elle changé la façon dont les sociétés peuvent réfléchir ?

Jeudi 22 octobre aura lieu la première séance du séminaire du laboratoire PROJEKT 2020-2021 à l’occasion de laquelle nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir Geoff MULGAN, professeur d’Intelligence collective, de Politique publique et d’Innovation sociale à l’University College London (UCL). De 2011 à 2019 il a été directeur général de National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA) et professeur invité à l’University College London, la London School of Economics, et l’University of Melbourne.
La séance, intitulée « La crise de la COVID-19 a-t-elle changé la façon dont les sociétés peuvent réfléchir ? », aura lieu de 14h à 16h, à distance, sous la forme d’un webinar en direct sous ce lien (accessible sans compte).

Séance en français.


Résumé :

La présentation étudiera la manière dont les innovations qui ont émergé à travers le monde en raison de la crise de la COVID-19 ont mis en lumière des approches nouvelles pour exploiter de l’intelligence sous toutes ses formes –allant des données et de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) à l’intelligence collective, y compris des énergies et des idées issues de la société civile. Elle examinera les implications à long terme pour l’organisation des données et des connaissances ainsi que pour l’expérimentation à grande échelle.

Has the COVID-19 crisis changed how societies can think?

The talk will examine how innovations through the COVID-19 crisis around the world have pointed to new ways of harnessing intelligence of all kinds – from data and AI to collective intelligence, and including the energies and ideas of civil society.  It will look at the long-term implications for the organisation of data and knowledge; and for experimentation at large scale.


Biography :

Geoff Mulgan CBE is Professor of Collective Intelligence, Public Policy and Social Innovation at University College London (UCL). Prior to that he was Chief Executive of Nesta, the UK’s innovation foundation, between 2011 and the end of 2019. From 1997 to 2004 Geoff had roles in the UK government including director of the Government’s Performance and Innovation Unit, director of the Strategy Unit and head of policy in the Prime Minister’s office. From 2004 to 2011 he was the first Chief Executive of The Young Foundation. He was the first director of the think-tank Demos; and has been a reporter on BBC TV and radio.

He has a PhD in telecommunications and has been a visiting professor at London School of Economics (LSE) and Melbourne University, a senior visiting scholar at Harvard University and President of the Innovation Design Department at the Italian University for Design (IAAD) in Turin. He has also been a regular lecturer at the China Executive Leadership Academy. Geoff helped found many organisations including Demos, the Young Foundation, the Social Innovation Exchange (SIX), Uprising, Studio Schools Trust, Action for Happiness, the Alliance for Useful Evidence, the Australia Centre for Social Innovation and Nesta Italia. He has co-chaired a World Economic Forum group looking at innovation and entrepreneurship in the fourth industrial revolution.

His most recent books are: Social Innovation: how societies find the power to change (Policy Press, 2019); Big Mind: how collective intelligence can change our world (Princeton University Press, 2017); The Locust and the Bee: predators and creators in capitalism’s future (Princeton University Press, 2013); The Art of Public Strategy (Oxford University Press, 2009); Good and Bad Power: the ideals and betrayals of government (Penguin 2006); and Connexity: how to live in a connected world (Harvard Business Press and Jonathon Cape, 1998).

Geoff currently advises many governments, chairs an international advisory committee for the Mayor of Seoul and sits on advisory committees for the Prime Minister’s office in the United Arab Emirates, the Scottish Government and SITRA, the Finnish innovation agency. He is a World Economic Forum Schwab Fellow from 2019-22, and a fellow of Demos Helsinki. He has pioneered many ideas and approaches that have subsequently become mainstream – from creative economy strategies for cities and nations to joined-up government, anticipatory regulation, experimentalism, behaviour change, happiness, open innovation, evidence use, collective intelligence, challenge-based universities and digital democracy. Geoff has given TED talks on the future economy, happiness and education.

His Twitter handle is @geoffmulgan and a summary of ideas he has worked on can be found here. His website is