Lien pour suivre la présentation en ligne : https://teams.microsoft.com/l/
Résumé de la présentation :
I published ‘Who Can Afford To Be Critical?‘ in 2020, upon the completion of a 2-year MA programme in Design Academy Eindhoven, in The Netherlands. Two years have passed, and I would like to expand, revise and comment on some of the key aspects of the book, which may appear invisible but constitute its foundations. I would like to focus on feelings of pessimism, disillusion, guilt, hypocrisy, powerlessness—essentially, the « emotional landscape » (to quote Bjork) that produced the book. I’m interested in how they relate to design discourse, in how they construct its mirror image and in acknowledging the idea that there are sentiments organizing the ways we pursue and engage in design research and practice. I’m also interested in a political reading of such sentiments, making possible connections between them and issues of class, sexuality and gender. A situated, standpoint theory-informed stance will be taken in this lecture, where I will aim to speak through my personal, individual vulnerabilities, which might (or might not!) help us construct a broader collective picture of what is happening in design discourse, in art and in culture.